All commissioned and open courses are available to be delivered online (virtual/digital) across the UK, unless otherwise stated. In-person is possible across central Scotland, or further by negotiation.


Dates scheduled for the regulated FAA Level 2 Award in First Aid for Mental Health (SQA Level 5 in Scotland / Ofqual in rest of UK)

1. Choose your date 

2. Payment confirms booking 

3. Arrangements and resources will be emailed to you


Book onto an Open Course at least one week before the delivery date, for a £30 discount! Apply the promo code EARLYBIRD30OFF2024 when you BOOK NOW

To tailor any of our commissioned programmes to your business or organisation is a simple 3-step process: 

1. Contact us with your enquiry stating preferred options (See Services and Training)

2. Agree programme details and dates 

3. Payment confirms booking